Sociology Dissertation Topics | 120+ Trending Ideas for Your Thesis
September 7, 2022
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September 7, 2022Philosophy refers to the study of human knowledge. It is based on understating the reality of existence. “Plato once asserted, 'Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.' The foundational philosophies of ancient thinkers, such as John Locke, have shaped present world systems. Aspiring philosophical science students can explore the universal realities by finding good philosophy dissertation topics for their dissertation writing.
Philosophy Dissertation Examples
Premier Dissertations has produced a list of new philosophy topics for 2025.
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List of Latest Philosophy Research Topics For 2025
Prime Philosophy Thesis Topics
Most Researched Research Topics in Philosophy
Quality Philosophy Research Topics For Undergraduate Students in 2025
Topic 17. Analysing the Role of Empiricism in the Development of British Philosophy: A Systematic Study
Topic 18. Examining the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence Through the Lens of Utilitarianism: A Case Study
Topic 19. Assessing the Influence of Postmodern Philosophy on Contemporary UK Cultural Practices: A Qualitative Study
Topic 20. Understanding the Role of Existentialism in Shaping Modern British Literature: A Case Study
Topic 21. Evaluating the Relevance of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" in Modern UK Political Philosophy: A Systematic Study
Topic 22. Analysing the Role of Deontology in Ethical Decision-Making in UK Healthcare: A Qualitative Study
Topic 23. Examining the Philosophy of Environmental Ethics and Its Implications for UK Climate Policies: A Case Study
Topic 24. Assessing the Influence of Scottish Enlightenment Thinkers on Contemporary UK Educational Philosophy: A Systematic Study
Topic 25. Understanding the Role of Phenomenology in Modern UK Architectural Philosophy: A Qualitative Study
Topic 26. Evaluating the Ethical Frameworks for Animal Rights in UK Philosophy: A Quantitative Study
Topic 27. Analysing the Relationship Between Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science in UK Academia: A Systematic Study
Topic 28. Examining the Evolution of Political Philosophy in the UK Post-Brexit: A Qualitative Study
Topic 29. Assessing the Contributions of Women Philosophers in Shaping Modern UK Philosophy: A Systematic Study
Topic 30. Understanding the Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering in the UK: A Case Study in Bioethics
Topic 31. Evaluating the Role of Pragmatism in Contemporary UK Education Philosophy: A Qualitative Study
Topic 32. Analysing the Concept of Justice in UK Legal Philosophy: A Historical and Systematic Study
Topic 33. Examining the Relationship Between Metaphysics and Quantum Mechanics in UK Philosophy of Science: A Case Study
Topic 34. Assessing the Impact of Nietzschean Philosophy on Contemporary UK Culture: A Qualitative Study
Topic 35. Understanding the Role of Philosophy of Religion in Shaping Interfaith Dialogue in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 36. Evaluating the Contributions of British Idealism to Modern UK Philosophy: A Historical Analysis
Topic 37. Analysing the Role of Philosophy in Shaping Public Opinion on UK Social Justice Movements: A Case Study
Topic 38. Examining the Evolution of Aesthetic Philosophy in the UK: A Qualitative Study of Modern Art Movements
Topic 39. Assessing the Relevance of Marxist Philosophy in Contemporary UK Economic Thought: A Systematic Study
Topic 40. Understanding the Role of Philosophy in Artificial Intelligence Ethics Committees in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 41. Evaluating the Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Euthanasia Through a UK Philosophical Lens: A Case Study
Topic 42. Analysing the Influence of Continental Philosophy on UK Academia: A Systematic Study
Topic 43. Examining the Role of Philosophy in Shaping UK Environmental Activism: A Case Study of Extinction Rebellion
Topic 44. Assessing the Ethical Dimensions of Surveillance in Modern UK Society: A Qualitative Study
Topic 45. Understanding the Contributions of British Pragmatism to Contemporary Philosophy of Education: A Systematic Study
Topic 46. Evaluating the Relationship Between Virtue Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 47. Analysing the Concept of Free Will in UK Philosophy of Mind: A Systematic Study
Topic 48. Examining the Impact of Secular Philosophy on UK Religious Education Policies: A Case Study
Topic 49. Assessing the Role of Digital Philosophy in Shaping Public Discourse in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 50. Understanding the Ethical Implications of Autonomous Weapons in the UK: A Case Study in Military Ethics
Interesting Philosophy Dissertation Topics For Master Students in 2025
Topic 51. Analysing the Ethical Implications of Data Privacy in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 52. Examining the Role of Phenomenology in UK Healthcare Decision-Making: A Case Study
Topic 53. Assessing the Influence of British Empiricism on Contemporary Scientific Methodologies: A Systematic Study
Topic 54. Understanding the Contributions of Analytic Philosophy to UK Legal Theory: A Qualitative Study
Topic 55. Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Ethics on UK Urban Planning Policies: A Case Study
Topic 56. Analysing the Role of Feminist Philosophy in Addressing Gender Inequality in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 57. Examining the Ethical Challenges of Biotechnology Through the Lens of UK Philosophical Traditions: A Case Study
Topic 58. Assessing the Contributions of Scottish Enlightenment Thinkers to Modern UK Educational Policies: A Qualitative Study
Topic 59. Understanding the Role of Pragmatism in Shaping UK Business Ethics: A Systematic Study
Topic 60. Evaluating the Ethical Dimensions of Automation in the UK Labour Market: A Case Study
Topic 61. Analysing the Evolution of British Political Philosophy in Response to Globalisation: A Systematic Study
Topic 62. Examining the Relationship Between Postmodern Philosophy and Contemporary Art in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 63. Assessing the Philosophical Foundations of Social Justice Movements in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 64. Understanding the Ethical Implications of Digital Surveillance in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 65. Evaluating the Role of Stoicism in Modern UK Mental Health Practices: A Qualitative Study
Topic 66. Analysing the Impact of Secularism on UK Religious Education Policies: A Systematic Study
Topic 67. Examining the Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in the UK: A Philosophical Inquiry
Topic 68. Assessing the Contributions of Virtue Ethics to UK Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: A Case Study
Topic 69. Understanding the Philosophical Foundations of Climate Justice in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 70. Evaluating the Relevance of Kantian Ethics in UK Criminal Justice Policies: A Qualitative Study
Topic 71. Analysing the Relationship Between Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience in UK Research: A Systematic Study
Topic 72. Examining the Role of Existential Philosophy in Contemporary UK Literature: A Qualitative Study
Topic 73. Assessing the Ethical Implications of Genetic Editing in the UK: A Case Study in Bioethics
Topic 74. Understanding the Influence of Philosophy of Science on UK Environmental Policies: A Systematic Study
Topic 75. Evaluating the Ethical Considerations of Autonomous Vehicles in the UK: A Philosophical Analysis
Topic 76. Analysing the Role of Metaphysics in Contemporary UK Physics Research: A Qualitative Study
Topic 77. Examining the Philosophical Challenges of Global Migration in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 78. Assessing the Impact of Nietzschean Philosophy on Modern UK Cultural Practices: A Qualitative Study
Topic 79. Understanding the Ethical Frameworks for AI-Powered Healthcare in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 80. Evaluating the Relationship Between Political Philosophy and Economic Inequality in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 81. Analysing the Influence of Transhumanism on UK Philosophical Discourses: A Systematic Study
Topic 82. Examining the Role of Ethics in Public Policy Decision-Making in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 83. Assessing the Evolution of Philosophical Thought on Technology in the UK: A Historical Analysis
Topic 84. Understanding the Contributions of Philosophy of Religion to Interfaith Initiatives in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 85. Evaluating the Ethical Implications of Blockchain Technology in the UK: A Philosophical Inquiry
Topic 86. Analysing the Intersection of Philosophy and Artificial General Intelligence in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 87. Examining the Influence of Continental Philosophy on UK Art Criticism: A Qualitative Study
Topic 88. Assessing the Role of Bioethics in UK Public Health Policies: A Case Study
Topic 89. Understanding the Philosophical Foundations of UK Climate Activism: A Systematic Study
Topic 90. Evaluating the Role of Ethical Frameworks in Shaping UK Digital Governance: A Case Study
Prime Dissertation Topics in Philosophy For PhD Students
Topic 91. Analysing the Ethical Implications of Genetic Editing Policies in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 92. Examining the Influence of Existential Philosophy on Mental Health Practices in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 93. Assessing the Role of Utilitarian Ethics in UK Public Health Policy: A Systematic Study
Topic 94. Understanding the Evolution of Moral Realism in Contemporary UK Political Philosophy: A Qualitative Study
Topic 95. Evaluating the Relationship Between Philosophy of Language and Artificial Intelligence Research in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 96. Analysing the Impact of Virtue Ethics on Environmental Activism in the UK: A Quantitative Study
Topic 97. Examining the Role of British Empiricism in Contemporary Philosophical Methodologies: A Systematic Study
Topic 98. Assessing the Ethical Dimensions of AI-Powered Healthcare in the UK: A Philosophical Approach
Topic 99. Understanding the Influence of Phenomenology on Architecture and Urban Design in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 100. Evaluating the Impact of Postmodern Philosophy on UK Education Policies: A Systematic Study
Topic 101. Analysing the Ethical Considerations of Autonomous Vehicles in UK Transport Systems: A Qualitative Study
Topic 102. Examining the Relationship Between Personal Identity and Digital Technology in the UK: A Philosophical Inquiry
Topic 103. Assessing the Role of Stoicism in Contemporary UK Work-Life Balance Discourses: A Case Study
Topic 104. Understanding the Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights Movements in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 105. Evaluating the Influence of Feminist Philosophy on UK Family Law: A Qualitative Study
Topic 106. Analysing the Ethical Frameworks Surrounding End-of-Life Decisions in UK Healthcare: A Case Study
Topic 107. Examining the Role of Religious Philosophy in Shaping Multiculturalism Policies in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 108. Assessing the Concept of Free Will in Criminal Justice Philosophy in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 109. Understanding the Ethical Implications of Surveillance in UK Public Spaces: A Philosophical Analysis
Topic 110. Evaluating the Influence of Pragmatism on UK Scientific Research Practices: A Case Study
Topic 111. Analysing the Ethical Challenges of Implementing Digital Democracy in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 112. Examining the Impact of Post-Truth Philosophy on Media Ethics in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 113. Assessing the Relevance of Marxist Philosophy in Contemporary UK Labour Movements: A Case Study
Topic 114. Understanding the Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change Legislation in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 115. Evaluating the Role of British Idealism in Shaping UK Cultural Policies: A Qualitative Study
Topic 116. Analysing the Philosophical Underpinnings of Universal Healthcare Systems in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 117. Examining the Ethical Implications of Data Mining in UK Social Media Platforms: A Philosophical Inquiry
Topic 118. Assessing the Role of Aesthetic Philosophy in UK Arts and Culture Policies: A Systematic Study
Topic 119. Understanding the Relationship Between Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience Research in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 120. Evaluating the Contributions of Ethical Relativism to UK Immigration Debates: A Case Study
Topic 121. Analysing the Role of Logic in Contemporary UK Legal Reasoning: A Philosophical Approach
Topic 122. Examining the Influence of Analytical Philosophy on UK Educational Methodologies: A Systematic Study
Topic 123. Assessing the Moral Philosophy of Public Service Broadcasting in the UK: A Case Study
Topic 124. Understanding the Ethical Challenges of Biotechnology Development in the UK: A Philosophical Perspective
Topic 125. Evaluating the Influence of Critical Theory on UK Social Justice Movements: A Qualitative Study
Topic 126. Analysing the Philosophical Implications of Space Exploration Policies in the UK: A Systematic Study
Topic 127. Examining the Ethical Dimensions of Genetic Data Storage in the UK: A Philosophical Inquiry
Topic 128. Assessing the Role of Confucian Philosophy in UK Multicultural Education: A Case Study
Topic 129. Understanding the Philosophical Debate Around Universal Basic Income in the UK: A Qualitative Study
Topic 130. Evaluating the Relationship Between Philosophy of Time and Modern Physics Research in the UK: A Systematic Study
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How to Find a Good Philosophy Dissertation Topic?
Philosophy is one of the most ancient academic subjects. Therefore, there is vast literature available on this subject. Finding a unique or custom research topic in philosophy can be a challenge for many students as they are not sure how to find a good topic that can be used for their philosophy dissertation module.
Therefore, the first step toward getting a good topic for your research is narrowing down your research interests.
- What particular subject you would like to focus on while working on your dissertation?
- Are there any specific challenges or problem areas in the field of philosophy that you would like to address?
- Have you discussed this with your supervisor, to find out how they would like you to approach the challenge of finding a good dissertation topic in philosophy?
Once you have answered these questions, you will be able to find a good topic for your paper.
And in case you are still unable to find a topic, simply fill out the form and we will get back to you with 3+ custom topic options in philosophy so you can start working on your dissertation
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